Pictures from Fort Bliss
In 1994, we found out our signal company in Germany, the 504th Signal Company,
was on the drawdown list and by September we'd all be gone. Despite having
only 9 months left in the Army, I was sent to Fort Bliss, Texas where I was
in Bravo Battery, 2/7 ADA (Patriot), 11th ADA Brigade. I didn't take many
pictures while I was there, but here are a few from a field exercise we went
on at some point. I don't remember the exact date off hand.

Looking from the AMG toward the radar.

A popular spot while in the field in the desert...
the shade provided by the sides of the AMG!

Looking toward the ECS partially behind the dirt mound.

Picture looking towards the launchers downrange.

Here is a cool picture of the AMG antenna masts in the up
position. I didn't see that plane there until after
I got the film developed several weeks later.

Another shot of everyone helping set up the site. Patriot is
most surely a team activity! It takes everyone to get it done!

The Stinger team out providing local air defense (sleeping). ;-)

Taking down the camouflage before it gets dark. I always
liked the sunsets during my time at Fort Bliss. This
was one place I never hated to be working outside!
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