Pictures from Camp King
After basic training and AIT, I had signed up to go to Germany and on the 7th
of December 1991 I left Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia for
the eight hour flight to Frankfurt. After spending the night on Rhein-Mein
AFB with the 21st Replacement Detatchment, the staff duty driver came down
from Camp King to pick me up. I was stationed with HHC 22nd Signal Brigade in
the Tac-Sat platoon which at the time was on Camp King. Camp King is in
Oberursel, Germany about 25km north of Frankfurt. It is a tiny military post
towards the outskirts of town. When I say tiny, I mean tiny! It would take
me maybe ten minutes to walk from the front gate to the back fence. We
couldn't even keep our trucks and shelters there as there was no room in the
motorpool! Anyway, here are the few pictures I have of that place. I hadn't
really gotten into the picture taking thing that would happen later.

Here is a picture taken looking toward where the PX, Commissary,
and Bookstore are at behind the trees. To the right barely visible
is the Bowling Center/Snack Bar. I can remember eating many a
burger there after a field exercise. :-)

Here is the same picture but more to the right and later in the
evening. You can see the fence of the ball field and the
Bowling Center/Snack Bar behind it. My first night on Camp
King I had missed the dining facility so I went up to the
Snack Bar and got a burger and got my first taste of AFN.

This is the barracks I lived in during my time on Camp King.
I was in the second window from the right side of the
building. Kind of sucked at night when big military trucks
would go roaring around that corner as it sounded like they
were going to come crashing through the wall!

Here is a view inside the barracks looking down the hall
from my room. These were the "old-fashioned" community
style barracks with one big bathroom for everyone. The
barracks we'd be moving into when the unit moved to
Muenster Depot were much better!

This is a tiny Christmas tree my family sent to
me right after I arrived in Germany. Made my
first Christmas there a bit less lonely. :-)

This is me in the parking lot of the Frankfurt PX
downtown. Last time I passed by there in 1997 there
was nothing but an open lot and lots of contruction
equipment there as the Germans decided what to do with it.

Here is SGT Brenden Houck, left, and SPC Marvin Lind, right,
sitting inside the tac-sat shelter on McNair Kasern in
Frankfurt. Like I said before, the motorpool was too small
on Camp King so we'd have PT and formation on Camp King
and then go to McNair to work on the equipment.
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