Cookout and Promotion Ceremony
At one point, someone mentioned they had seen a grill sitting around and not
locked up. Being good soldiers, we began planning to "acquire" the grill.
Shortly after that, we "acquired" some meat and other food items from the
cold storage by the kitchen and proceeded to have a cookout. In addition to
the cookout, there were two PFC's who were to be promoted to E-4. We had a
little something in store for them, too.

The promotee's getting ready for their "ceremony". Since we had a muddy
area out back, we decided to make the two people being promoted carry their
own water to make the mud even muddier. PFC Barriault decided why make all
those trips with the heavy water cans when you could talk the water truck
driver into coming around back. Now that was pretty smart! :-)

Meanwhile, getting the grill ready.

And cooking away. We'd "acquired" quite a bit of meat and weren't
able to cook it all. We ended up freezing what was left in the rooms.

Meanwhile, the mud gets muddier. ;-)

That's PFC Torgerson enjoying some food and 1LT Morgan to the right.

The two promotee's for the day. On the left is
PFC Ruskavage and on the right is PFC Barriault.

Promoting PFC Barriault to SPC. That's the company commander,
CPT Iden on the left and I believe that's SFC Cliff on the right.

Now it's PFC Ruskavage's turn. That's her husband pinning on her rank.

Now it's time for the mud. :-)

Adding some water to the mud.

Since SGT Wiggins (being dragged into the mud) got promoted
recently it was his turn to go for a little swim.

At least he put up a bit of a fight.

Everything appears to be finished...

But it's not! SGT Riggle had just recently been promoted as well
so now it was his turn to go for a little swim in the mud pit!

But he prevails!

The back side of our seahut after the fun.
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