October 2000 FTX #1
One of the things that 1st Infantry Division needed to do upon all
the units return from the Kosovo mission was to train back up for
warfighting. After a few months during which folks took block leave
and equipment was returned from the Balkan's, we began by having a couple
short FTX's. This was the first one in October 2000.

Here is my convoy while stopped at a German reststop.

SPC Benoit on his way back to his truck.

Waiting around. It's all part of the training! ;-)
Note the KFOR still on our equipment. It was still
there when I left a month later and probably still is.

SGT Hinohosa keeping up the motivation.

The folks in charge. From left to right that's SSG Vasser, my section
sergeant, SFC Cliff, my platoon sergeant, and a 2LT we'd just gotten after
returning from Kosovo but I can't remember his name for the life of me.

Back on the road approaching Nuernberg.

Farther down the road.

Arrival at the site. We were setting up on Grafenwoehr on a hilltop
overlooking the artillery impact areas. It was neat at night to watch.

Setting up camo nets. The V-3 section usually helped each
other out and these are folks helping me set up my site.

After getting the nets up, this is under them. It's my former truck
all set up and operating with no problems (of course!). *sigh*

A view towards the observation tower on our hilltop. There was also
an older one which was closed that had been built in the 1920's when
Germany used Grafenwoehr as a training and artillery impact area.
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