Dragon Hammer Railload Training FTX
Here are some pictures I took using a regular film camera sometime
in early 1992 when my unit, HHC 22nd Signal Brigade, conducted another
training exercise in preperation for the Sardinia exercise. We
would load our equipment on railcars at the railhead on Kelly Barracks in
Darmstadt and pick them up at Ray Barracks in Friedberg then convoy out to the field.

All done unloading the train (in background) at Ray Barracks, Friedberg.

We unloaded the train and are now waiting for something else to happen.
From left to right: SSG Wilson (a team chief), SSG Hall (our section sergeant),
SGT Houck with the white AAFES bag (he was my first team chief), SPC Cullington
(with his back to the camera), 2LT Varela giving the V-sign (he was our platoon
leader), and SGT Keats leaning up against the trailer. This was before our
company received used Humvee's so we were still using the old pickup trucks.

Here is our field site once we got all set up. I was still
rather new to Germany so I had *no* idea where we set up at.

This is PFC Ward, a fellow classmate of mine from AIT,
sitting inside of the AN/TSC-93B tactical satellite shelter.

The day we broke camp and headed home. That's SSG Hall on the
left and SGT Wilson (my team chief for this FTX) on the right.

We drove to a large field somewhere and waited for the rest of
the company to all arrive from their different field sites so
we could convoy back to Frankfurt together. This is PFC Vasquez
returning a stove his team had borrowed. He would later be
my roommate once we became the 504th Signal Company and moved.
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