October 2000 FTX #2
These are pictures from the 2nd FTX that 1st Infantry went on
in October 2000. We rolled out to a different site this time which
was off post near Grafenwoehr. I remember this particularly because
we'd set up the node center to have Internet access and I was able
to plug my laptop in and surf the 'net from my shelter. Neat to be
able to set up in the middle of nowhere (a forest in this case) and
chat with family back home in the states.

SGT Casey waiting to roll out of the motorpool on Larson
Barracks in Kitzingen. I liked the US flag patch and the full
color 1st ID patch we wore after returning from Kosovo and
wish it was a normal part of the uniform at all times.

A little while later, we're still waiting to leave. The usual!

After getting through downtown Kitzingen the unit always stopped at
the convoy support site just before Autobahn 3 to gather everyone
together and make sure nothing had fallen off or no mechanical problems.

A few hours later, we approach Grafenwoehr main post. After
sitting around for a bit, they decided to send us on our own
up to our off-post site. We were happy since we'd be away
from all the higher ranking folks and there was less BS.

It's me! I'm sitting in the shelter and it's probably like
middle of the night. I always took the very first night shift
when putting in a new system since it usually needed some
babysitting to make sure everything was working right. Note the
Doritos bag by my left shoulder. The food of champions! :-)

The next morning they decided to set up chow right by my truck!

Getting breakfast ready.

These were short field exercises, only a week at the most. The night
before we convoyed back home we always broke down camo nets and all
the non-essential stuff. Here is my truck after we began taking it down.

Ready to roll out! I was always happier on the convoy back than
the convoy out. Looking forward to the hot shower, good food, and
hitting the club on Friday night to get drunk! That's SFC Cliff
walking down the convoy to make sure we have all our stuff and people.

Here I am waiting to roll back to Larson Barracks in Kitzingen.

We also always stopped at the convoy support center outside Kitzingen
on the way back to refuel and gather up and stragglers from the convoy.

SPC Benoit who was driving the platoon leader stretching. It
was a long drive of several hours from Grafenwoehr to Kitzingen.
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