Muenster Depot Pictures
These are various pictures from Muenster Depot, Germany during the time
I was stationed there August 1992 to September 1994. Muenster Depot was
returned to the German government shortly after my unit disbanded and
the last time I drove past to check it out (around mid-1996 or so) the
post was closed down and being used for a variety of local purposes. The
dining facility appeared to be cooking food for airlines at the Frankfurt
My unit, 504th Signal Company, was one of three US Army units on that post. The
others were HHD 15th Ordnance Battalion and the 184th Ordnance Company.
The ordnance folks loaded and unloaded trains full of ammunition
and bombs and such and maintained the large ammunition supply point in the
back part of the post. There was also a German civilian/reserve unit which
maintained the ordnance units vehicles and equipment.

Muenster Depot was on the B45 towards Dieburg. You would take the A3
and get on B45 to get there. Here is the sign just before the exit.

A picture inside my barracks room. The E-4's and below had to share
a room while the E-5's and above got their own on the 3rd floor.
My company had the entire 2nd floor while the ordnance company had
the 1st floor. Each room shared a bathroom with the room next to
them so you only had to worry about 3 other people messing up the
place. They were really nice rooms compared to the ones on Camp King.

Another picture inside my barracks room. There is the Christmas tree
my family had sent me for Christmas 1991. I also had the Amiga 1000
computer which I bought with *tons* of games. I'd spend quite a
bit of time playing Warlords and Empire on that machine.

Hallway bowling became a big thing for a while. When our unit was
first moved to this post in August 1992 no one except a few folks owned
a car and the closest train station was in Dieburg which was about a 45
minute walk away. So, we tended to do a lot of hanging around the barracks
for a few months. Hallway bowling came about one night when we were drinking
and bored. We set up some empty beer/coke cans and used a softball to knock
them down. It was actually somewhat fun and we even kept score like we were
bowling. Later on, they opened a Toys R Us in Germany and one of the
guys found a plastic bowling set. It was quieter than the cans. :-)

Another hallway bowling picture. That's Paul Miles working his
way down the hallway. He is living in Australia now going to school.

This is in the 2nd floor dayroom just a few minutes after New Year's. I'm
not sure which year it was, but I'm guessing it was 1993 since most of us
were still stuck hanging out on post all the time without cars.

Here is a picture of the barracks building.

That is a view of the dining facility with the barracks behind me.

Here is a picture of the gym on the right and the rec center on the left.

Football was a game of choice for a while. There was a large field
right next to the front entrance to the post. One game someone landed on
top of a tent stake that had been left over so we ended up having to
walk the field before each game and pull all of them up. It was
great fun to get all muddy and beat up. Come Monday morning we'd
all be limping to PT formation at 0630.

Every so often we'd have a cookout, too. The grill and volleyball
courts were in between the gym and the recreation center on post.
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