Pictures from Camp Monteith Part 1
After my stint with the SYSCON on Camp Bondsteel, I was finally allowed to return to my
platoon on Camp Monteith. Camp Monteith is set up on a former Serbian artillery post just
outside of the Kosovo town of Gnjilane. It is smaller than Camp Bondsteel and in my
opinion, it was a lot nicer. I would spend the rest of the deployment, from January 2000 to
June 2000 there. I have so many pictures of Camp Monteith I want to put on the site, I'm
going to have to put them in several parts. That will help with the loading of the pages
for those of us who are still using dial-up connections (believe me, I'd have DSL if it was
in my area). Enough talk, here are the first set of pictures!

Here is the sign they made up once we got to Kosovo outside of 1st platoon's area.

Another shot after a big snow storm hit. The site we had on Monteith was
pretty big with the node center, our operations tent, and some communications
troops from the 2/2 Infantry. They controlled the local Internet access so
we were usually pretty nice to them. It was those guys who gave me the
list of IP addresses I could use with my laptop once I got back there.

Here is a view of the site from the back side. We used it as a
mini-motorpool for the trucks we used quite often. When the
ground would thaw, it would become quite muddy as you'll see
in some of the pictures I took later that spring. :-)

Back side of the node center shelters.

Another view of the "motorpool" area behind our site.

In many key points all over Camp Monteith, they'd built huge above
ground bunkers just in case the Serbs decided to lob a few artillery
rounds our way. Camp Monteith was within artillery range of the
Serbian border and as such was a good staging point for NATO artillery.

This is one of the main roads on Camp Monteith and at one point (before
we got there) it was the perimeter. On the left are the old tents which
everyone used to live in all the time and on the right are the seahut's
which are now the standard living quarters for Camp Monteith.

Here is a paved road outside the node center site. Brown & Root were
usually pretty good about getting the snow removed early in the morning.

A picture in the motorpool of some Bradley's from 2/2 Infantry.

I believe this was a Canadian armored vehicle, but I'm not 100% sure. Note the snow
chains on the tires. It was standard for *all* non-tracked vehicles to have them.

Here is an example of the mud that came up when the ground thawed enough.

2/2 Infantry brought this sign with them from Germany when
they deployed shortly after we did replacing 1/26 Infantry.
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