Pictures from the Seahut's on Camp Monteith
When we arrived on Camp Monteith, the seahut's had just been finished a couple
weeks before and we moved right in. The seahut's were vastly better than the
tents everyone had lived in before. There were five seperate rooms which were
made to hold up to six people and a bathroom with showers, sinks, and real
toilets! For being deployed, it wasn't bad at all!

I lived in building 541 which is shown here. We were on the very
first row and had a nice wall of Hesco bastions around us. Hesco
bastions were just wire frames which opened into a square and were
then filled with sand, dirt, rocks, etc. to create a wall.

Here is a picture looking down the rows of seahut's on Camp Monteith.

The side of our seahut facing the road was used as a parking lot.

Here is the bunker that had been built between our seahut and
the one next to us. These were placed every so often in the area.

And this is what it looked like inside the bunker. We
never did have to go running in there for any reason.

Along the back side of our seahut. Each room had two doors and two
heater/air conditioners. They also had wall outlets and even a
hookup for the LAN system, but they only turned them on in the
rooms which were being used for orderly rooms and such.

This is how the inside of my seahut room looked
before we got the new furniture around February.

And this was my little corner of the world before the new furniture.

This is how my area looked after the new furniture. The bed was
much better than sleeping on the cot and the wall lockers gave
us more privacy and a lot more storage space for out stuff.
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