Pictures from the Camp Monteith Dining Facility
When we first arrived at Camp Monteith, the dining facility was in a huge fest
type tent with the preperation area being wooden structures they built right
next to the tent. Brown & Root were busy renovating an old building already
there on the post as the new dining facility. It was pretty nice for being
deployed to Kosovo.

This is the old dining facility tent.

This is what they did when they took the tent down, turned it
into a basketball court. The building behind the court is where
the PX, Education Center, and the Laundry is located at.

Another view of the basketball court.

A water bladder the old dining facility used. This area was well known
for the birds. In the evening, the trees there would be *full* of
thousands of birds all making the loudest racket. Not only that, they
were using the place as a bathroom. Most of the time it sounded like rain
but you didn't want to get "wet" in this place. ;-) It was so bad, I'd
usually walk around this spot. Anytime you went past you'd hear the "Oh sh*t!"
from someone who wasn't so lucky. No idea where the birds came from or
where they'd go when they weren't in the trees. They just came and went.

And of course, sooner or later some troop is going to make fun of it. ;-)

Finally the new place is open! Here we are going inside to eat.

Right inside the main entrance.

Someone had taken the time to make up signs for each unit
that was on Camp Monteith. Here is the sign for my unit.

SPC Broussard, left, and SGT Evans, right, waiting
for the dining facility to open up and serve lunch.

Another picture inside the dining facility.
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