Range & Bomb Damage Pictures
We had to go to the range once while in Kosovo to qualify with our weapons. I
had to qualify with both the M249, which I carried, and the M16A2. But the
M249 "range" turned into just a "go out and shoot up some ammunition" range, so
I skipped it and just went to the M16A2 range. We drove to some old military
post which had been bombed during the air campaign. Here are some pictures I
took that day.

I only had a regular camera that day, so these pictures were
scanned in from the original pictures. Here is the first one.

More bomb damage.

Then it was time to qualify. Waiting my turn here.

The ammunition point.

Here I am after zeroing with my nine rounds. That's my zero target in my hand.

After I qualified. We were using the paper targets at 25 meters and
I got 40/40! This is SPC Haeck, left, SPC Broussard, middle, and me, right.

On the way home and more bomb damage. I was ready for them this time.

And more.

And that's it. No idea what those buildings were and
they looked like someone had picked over the debris.
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