Darmstadt-Messel Small Arms Range
These are some pictures I took during my first stint as a Combat Lifesaver
when the 504th Signal Company went to the range early in 1993. We
used the Darmstadt-Messel Small Arms Range which you could sometimes
hear from our post nearby.

Holding the bullhorn is one of the section sergeants from my
company but I can't remember his name. I'm sitting in the
back of the medic truck waiting for something to happen.

Another view of the troops on the firing line.

One of the troops aiming their weapon down range. It's been so long
that names have long since escaped me and I don't want to dig out
all the pictures to see if I wrote it on the back. :-)

It was a known distance range so we would fire so many rounds at the
300 meter distance and move up to do the 250 meter, 200 meter, etc.

Another picture of the troops walking down range.

A firing eye view. That looks to be about 200 meters away.

Just another view of the last only zoomed in this time.
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