Camp Monteith Test Shot Part 1
Once I was back at Camp Monteith with my platoon, the test shots didn't stop. It
seems my shelter was the only one that didn't have a mission *and* could be
counted to work once it was done driving around all of Kosovo. I chalk the
working part up to my skill as a team chief. ;-) So, my section sergeant,
SSG Vasser, would find a nearby hilltop that looked like it could be used
as a site and off we'd go.

Here we are trying to find a way to the top of the
hill we were going to use for the day's test shot.

A less blurry picture of us going through a small town.

Almost there but not quite. Here we are turning around
while SSG Vasser goes off to find another way to the top.

There is SPC (now SGT) Hinojosa with the M249 ground guiding one of the trucks.

Waiting for SSG Vasser to return. From left to right:
SPC (now SGT) Hinojosa, SPC Haeck, and SPC (now SGT) Pena with the M203.

Back on the road going up the hill. Note the
burned up house towards the top of the picture.

Getting the 15 meter antenna ready.

Putting the 15 meter antenna up.

Making the adjustments before we raise it up.
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