Camp Monteith Test Shot Part 2
Here is another test shot we did a few weeks later on the same hilltop. It was
a good place for training and we went there often. I don't have many pictures
of the whole thing because I was usually working, but I tried to get others
to take pictures for me. Here are some of them.

Here I am sitting in B121, my truck, before leaving Camp Monteith.

On the road again...

We took a different way to the hilltop this time and on the way
we passed through a deserted "town". Most of the houses had
some kind of damage and all were burnt in some way or another.

Another picture of the "town" we passed through. It was
pretty weird to be driving through and no people being around.

Note the damage to this house.

On the site again and setting it all back up.

My generator all set up and ready to go.

Here I am in my shelter after getting in the communication link
in only 28 minutes from the time we rolled on site. I couldn't have
done it without the help of SPC Pena and SPC Williams. :-)

Here is a picture I had taken of me pointing to Gnjilane.
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