Christmas 1999 at Camp Bondsteel
Here are a few pictures taken on Christmas night 1999 at the 121st
Signal Battalion SYSCON on Camp Bondsteel. We did a gift exchange
thing with all the folks who were assigned to the SYSCON at the
time. After that was over, I was able to chat with my family back in
Maryland using the Yahoo! Messenger. My grandmother told me it
was quite different than when my grandfather had been in England
during World War II.
I also erased some of the parts of the pictures which contained views of
some of the maps and other information we used. I know it's been a number
of years since I was there, but you never know what information some
folks might get from them. Better safe than sorry! :-)

Just getting started. That's me sitting down with my eyes closed. When
we started the exchange of gifts I had been in the middle of our usual
evening pasttime of playing Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear with a bunch of
folks on Bondsteel over the LAN. That's the battalion commander LTC Kokinda
standing behind me. I can't remember the name of the SSG smiling in the foreground.

From left to right it's the CWO just off the picture, then CPT Kaiser (I think
that was his name), SFC Watson (a fellow nightshifter all ready for the cold
of the night), and a CSM who I can't remember the name of with the 1st ID patch.

Here is the 121st Signal Brigade XO and the boss of our Kosovo rotation
MAJ Birch holding his gift up. We kept it under $10 so the Maglite's were
very popular. I ended up getting a copy of the movie Armageddon on video tape.

That's our CWO in the foreground but for the life of me I can't remember
his name. CPT Kaiser standing behind him with his eyes closed.

From left to right there is the CWO, SFC Tibbins who was the Kosovo frequency
manager for our rotation, SPC Rainey (my team member), the CSM, MAJ Birch in
the far background, and finally the battalion commander LTC Kokinda.
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